Denton CUUPS Beltane Circle
Saturday, May 2
Gathering begins at 7:00 PM
Ritual begins promptly at 7:30 PM
In the ancient Celtic lands, Beltane marked the end of Winter and the beginning of Summer. Here in North Texas, it’s our celebration of Spring in all its lusty fullness.
Please join us as we celebrate the season and honor the Gods, ancestors, and spirits of the land. We’ll dance the Maypole to weave good fortune for the coming season, and we’ll dance the Spiral Dance to energize our intentions and work our Will, as we work to protect the Land from those who would exploit it.
This will be an outdoor, family-friendly circle.
Gathering begins at 7:00 PM and the ritual begins promptly at 7:30. We’ll be outdoors for the entire ritual unless it’s raining.
Please bring an item of food or drink to share after the ceremony. As always, a donation of a dollar or three to help defray costs are appreciated, but not required.
See you there!