Small Group Classes
- This June we will begin holding small group classes on Wednesday nights from 7 to 9 PM. Classes will be held in a variety of locations – contact the class leader for details.
- Introduction to Tarot, taught by Dolores Nabors. Will run for seven weeks, from June 5 through July 17. Will be held at Dolores’ apartment.
- Introduction to Herbalism, taught by Michi Harper. Will run two weeks, July 24 and 31. Will be held at Michi’s house.
- Circle Planning, taught by Michi Harper and John Beckett. Will run four weeks, August 7 through August 28. The participants in this class will plan and lead our Mabon circle on Saturday, September 14.
- Small group classes will continue on Wednesday nights in September and beyond. Current plans are for classes on Basic Spellwork, Chants, Shielding, and Magical Tools. The order of topics and locations will be determined when we get closer.
Pagan Movie Nights
- Saturday, June 15 at John’s house in McKinney. Gather at 5:00 for cookout and potluck, followed by showing of The Spirit of Albion.
- Saturday, August 17. Details TBD.
Other Events
- Introduction to Modern Pagan Religion: taught by John Beckett and Cynthia Talbot. Saturday, July 20 from 1:00 to 5:00 at DUUF.
- Fall Camping Trip: October 18-20.
- Fall Social Gathering: Friday, November 8 at 6:30 at Cynthia’s house.
- Book Club: now taking recommendations for a book for us to read and discuss.