Samhain — Saturday, October 26th

Samhain – “Summer’s End” – is the holy day that would become All Hallow’s Eve, and later Halloween. At this season the ordinary world and the world of the Gods and Ancestors draw close, and perhaps, overlap. In our ritual we will acknowledge this liminal time, and we will listen for the Otherworldly persons who would speak with us.

As we did in 2011 and in 2015, we will walk the Spiral Labyrinth. This is a rare opportunity to participate in a rite of beauty and introspection.

Children who can participate maturely and respectfully are welcome to join in. We will have childcare for younger children. In case of inclement weather, the Spiral Labyrinth will be set up in Miller Hall.

Gathering begins at 7:00 and the ritual begins promptly at 7:30. There will be a potluck after ritual.

Opet Festival (Fall Equinox) — Saturday, September 21

Join us as we celebrate the harvest as it was honored along the Nile 3000 years ago. Here we will honor the death and resurrection of the god of agriculture, Osiris.

Gathering begins at 7:00 PM, ritual starts at 7:30. There will be a potluck after ritual, and childcare services will be provided.

If you have any questions regarding the ritual, please email the ritual coordinator Cynthia Talbot ( )

Midsummer — Saturday, June 22

Come celebrate our Scandinavian Midsummer in honor of Freyr and Freyja– Play, feast, sing and be merry! The opportunity is open to all to give a performance during the feast.

Gathering begins at 7:00 pm, ritual starts at 7:30. There will be a potluck after ritual, and childcare services will be provided!

If you have any questions, feel free to send a message to the ritual coordinator,
Erik Kolderüp (

Beltane: Pantheon — Saturday, May 4

In ancient Rome the Pantheon was a temple to many Gods and Goddesses. In our time a Pantheon is a grouping of many deities from a single culture. This Beltane, Denton CUUPS will present our Pantheon: the many deities who we honor and serve. All are welcome to come learn, and listen, and if you are so moved, to respond to Their call.

And because it’s Beltane, we will begin with out traditional Maypole Dance.

Childcare will be provided.

Social hour and potluck will follow ritual.

If you have any questions, feel free to send a message through Facebook or to our ritual coordinator John Beckett ( )

Mounukhia Spring Equinox Celebration — Saturday, March 23

As we rise from the cold of winter and begin our preparations for the warmer seasons, we start by welcoming the Spring Equinox with our own celebrations. This year, Denton CUUPS will be celebrating in Hellenic fashion with Mounukhia!

Join Denton CUUPS as we celebrate and honor Artemis, Light Bringer and Lady of the Beasts, for our Spring Equinox ritual. Here we will honor her as an empowering protector, and bringer of the coming light.

Gathering begins at 7:00 pm, ritual starts at 7:30. There will be a potluck after ritual, and childcare services will be provided!

If you have any questions, feel free to send a message through Facebook or to our ritual coordinators Gabrielle Milburn ( or Erik Kolderüp (

Mounukhia flyer

Feile Bride Imbolc Celebration — Saturday, January 26th

Join us as we honor Goddess and Saint Brigid and all of her many names and forms in observance of Imbolc. We will learn about the many aspects and stories of Brigid and the values that she holds most dear.

Gathering is at 7:00 PM, ritual starts at 7:30 PM. Childcare will be provided and there is a potluck following ritual.

Hail Brigid, Brigantia, Ffraid, Saint Brigit, Bride, Bridgette!

For more information, please contact use through Facebook or email us at


Winter Solstice — Friday, December 21st, 2018

Join us on Friday, December 21st for our Full Moon Winter Solstice gathering! We will host a journey of guided introspection to explore the shadows of the soul.

This will be on a Friday — as opposed to our usual Saturday — and gathering starts at 7:30 PM, the ritual at 8:00 PM. Childcare will be provided and there will be a potluck following the ritual. Black and/or white clothing is preferred for this ritual.

For more information, please contact us.
