Saturday, September 17
Gather at 7:00 PM, start promptly at 7:30
Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
1111 Cordell Street, Denton, TX 76201
Please join the Denton Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans for our celebration of the Norse festival of Gleichentag (“even day”). This is the Autumn Equinox, a time of balance when light and dark are equal. It is a celebration of the grain harvest and a time to take stock of the year, to gather together, and to share food and drink with each other, the landvettir, ancestor spirits, and the Gods of the harvest time.
We will be holding a feast as part of the ritual, or as the Norse would have commonly called their High Day rites, a symbul, where we will share food and drink among those here, and with all those who come in peace to join us for feasting and song.
The first part of the celebration will be outside (weather permitting, which it usually is this time of year) and the ritual feast will be inside in the RE wing. Please bring a dish to share, and a favorite poem, a toast, a reading or song if you want to honor you ancestors, spirits, or deities aloud.
Children 10 and older who can participate respectfully are welcome to attend with a parent/guardian. Childcare will be provided for younger children.
For questions or information, please contact John Beckett at 972-948-9211 or